MapleTree Forum Reflection

The MapleTree Forum was an enriching and insightful experience personally for me as an individual who does not have many connections with entrepreneurs. The speakers did a great job of sharing their views and beliefs in their field of expertise and provided constructive feedbacks for the audiences.

Zach Wilson was one of an inspiring entrepreneur which I thought that our fellow CVE students should really look up to as a role model. His background in Civil and Environmental Engineering and his company's focus on adopting sustainability in the built environment made a deep impression on me. 

One defining moment from the forum was when Zach mentioned about Singapore being in a 'sticky' situation with regards to the slow advancement of construction technologies being implemented in our country. It was really helpful as this was relatable to my technical report topic with the challenge of Singapore construction industry's conservatism towards innovation. From his answers, he reaffirms to me of the need to move on from our slow progress towards innovation to improve the construction's productivity as well as practices. 

All in all, it was great knowing there are already several entrepreneurs who have made their first move on the ride of sustainability to help improve our environment. It is never easy but their "never-say-die" attitude truly motivates me.

*Edited 12/04/19, 11:11pm

Commented on Wei Wen, Daniel and Syahiran


  1. Thank you, Dom, for this thoughtful reflection. I'm glad you could find value in the Forum sharing.

  2. Hi Dom,
    a great insight on the forum. I do agree that the industry is slow on picking up innovation cause they are too used or stubborn in a way to change their views on the innovation projected. They really need a lot of push from the agencies and competitors to start using the innovation to bring them to greater heights.

  3. Hi Domenic,

    It was a pleasure to read your reflection on the mapletree forum. Like you, I was rather moved by the comments by Zach Wilson and his remarks due to his relevance to our course.



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